Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Gen.hry [False Positives]

Hi all, this is my first post on here.

After using Roon for some months now Kaspersky Internet Security (Version 18) today decided that Uninstall.exe in file location - C:\Users\Name\AppData\local\Roon\Application\100400310\ was a virus which contained the above and has quarantined it. I don’t know why it has suddenly decided this and am unsure if it’s a false Positive? I am obviously reluctant to restore the file to it’s original location just in case it has been infected.

I am running Windows 10 64bit and this is the first time since installing it that any virus has been flagged. My Core/Library is installed on my QNAP. The Roon interface still runs okay on my laptop which is not surprising as it’s the Uninstall.exe that’s been quarantined.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Hope I’ve posted this in the right place. @support

13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Kaspersky Reporting Malware Detected on Roon Installer [Answered False Positive - Whitelist Roon]

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