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Trouble checking for updates on my ROCK server
Describe your network setup
My roon server is running on an intel NUC with ROCK (ROCK Version 1.0, build 259: Roon server Version 2.0, build 1483). It is direct LAN connected via a TRENDNet 1G switch to a tp-link AX11000 router (local IP and default gateway set to The ROCK network config is setup as DHCP and is correctly pulling in the default gateway and DNS server ( addresses. The router is connected to a Verizon 5G gateway running in pass through mode with a local address of The Verizon 5G access is fairly new and probably broke the servers ability to access updates. After trouble shooting and fixing a login issue, I was able to get roon running...I can now access/play my library and my Tidal account. The only thing that is not working is the update function on the ROCK server which fails with a "status":"Failure","exitcode":10 message.