Trouble checking for updates on ROCK server (ref#NK52QF)

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Trouble checking for updates on my ROCK server

Describe your network setup

My roon server is running on an intel NUC with ROCK (ROCK Version 1.0, build 259: Roon server Version 2.0, build 1483). It is direct LAN connected via a TRENDNet 1G switch to a tp-link AX11000 router (local IP and default gateway set to The ROCK network config is setup as DHCP and is correctly pulling in the default gateway and DNS server ( addresses. The router is connected to a Verizon 5G gateway running in pass through mode with a local address of The Verizon 5G access is fairly new and probably broke the servers ability to access updates. After trouble shooting and fixing a login issue, I was able to get roon running...I can now access/play my library and my Tidal account. The only thing that is not working is the update function on the ROCK server which fails with a "status":"Failure","exitcode":10 message.

Some additional info from digging into the ROCK log file. It initially looks like it correctly finds/identifies the correct update:

Debug: [Worker (1)] [base/updater] Update response: displayversion=2.47 (build 1510) production

and then later fails on the download:

Error: [Broker:Misc] [appupdater] While downloading update: System.Net.WebException: Name or service not known (

Hi @Michael_Ashwell,
Thanks for reaching out about this issue. The error messages you mentioned suggest a possible DNS issue. Could you try switching to Quad9 or Google DNS, then restart both your router and ROCK?

If that doesn’t resolve the issue, the next step would be to try bypassing the network switch you’re using to see if that makes a difference.

Let us know how it goes—we’re happy to help troubleshoot further!

I don’t think its a DNS or switch issue. Both have been part of my network for many years/months and I’ve never had a roon server software download issue before. In addition, as a test, I ran the following command on my windows machine (same physical network setup as the ROCK NUC and same DNS)…“”. Running this cmd successfully finds the roonlabs download server and downloads the test file.

I can run the tests that you suggest but not sure they will tell us anything.

Note - I can upload a full log file if that helps (assuming I can figure out how to attach/upload a file)

Ok, I completely stand corrected. I changed my ROCK network config to use a static IP
address and changed the DNS to and it worked. I’m now at 1510…Thks!