Trouble Setting Up Ropieee Software on Raspberry Pi 4

Thanks again for everyones help. One additional question. Should I turnoff the Pi after use or keep it on all the time? Thanks again for your help.


I turn on my 2 RPi4 7x24

Can you tell me something? Does the USB output stay on for the entire time the RPi is on i.e. does the DAC continually indicate it’s receiving a signal? Or does Ropieee/RPi put the USB output into some sort of standby after it has ceased streaming audio?

Running Ethernet into Pi (which is now on all the time). Then input into Pro-Ject Pre Box S2 USB in. When I am not playing music I put the Pre Box in Standby mode.

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My Dragonfly Cobalt DAC is on all the time.

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