Two/Four-legged acoustical treatments (post your critters!) [2024]

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She loves the flow port.


Hey Doc…are you running a Cattery? :rofl:


Nothing like the discerning ears of a Kitty!

My daughters all rescue cats. That shot is the middle daughter at her home with her current five plus her Miniature Schnauzer. In the interim, a stray has been adopted (by concept) by me. He is feral and comes for food, water and to be left alone. He is not learning that I am safe. I do not know where else he goes, but he sits outside for ~11 hours each day. Any attempts to build or create a shelter for him has proved futile. I call he “Non Nom” as in `no name.’


I admire your patience!! I bet if you persist, he will eventually give in to your kindness! We have two rescue cats that we had had for over two years and they won’t let us pet them yet but we think we are getting close….

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He has learned the sound of food hitting the food bowl, comes to the base of the steps and waits until there is a door between us.


Snow on the nose.


Wow…what pretty eyes!!!


Thanks. He knows it and can express an entire sentence with a stare and a couple of eyebrow movements. He has had some serious tummy issues the last couple of days and had to have baths to clean him up. He is not a happy pup right now. The only H2O he likes is the snow variety.


Next to the very expressive eyes, I esp. like the socked feet at the bottom of the picture …


Ha. I actually intended to use the picture without the feet but messed up. :upside_down_face:

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Here is Einstein. He was abandoned outside during Hurricane Irma and we rescued him at about 5 weeks old. Although he usually sits on my MSB DAC’s power supply in my music room, he also appreciates the Joseph Audio RM25XL’s in my home theater as well!

And here is Lord Saucy, another rescue kitty, who also likes the DAC’s power supply!


It’s not a power supply. It’s a heat mat… :slight_smile:


Seems to also he harvesting some of that Prima Luna heat below as well…:wink:

The hi fidelity source of pops and clicks also known as Cookie.
Pictured here showing extreme dissatisfaction with my musical tastes and the clutter on my desk


Perhaps a little. But the PrimaLuna was replaced by a Pass Labs 250.8, so the heat index may be a little less!

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I’ve had Amps built by Mr. Pass as I really enjoy his dedication to quality!

The real Blind Faith cover not the sanitised US version :smiling_imp:

And the original . . Got it in a used record store in 1973! All my vinyl were well-cared for, with a good turntable and washed with DiscWasher!