Unable to access full Qobuz album in library with only one track - "versions" tab missing in album view (ref#L0DPL0)

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When I have only one track of a Qobuz album in my library I can’t access the whole album in the album view, also the “versions” tab is absent. When having at least two tracks of the album in the library, then there’s the link below the tracks. See screenshots, remote is on Windows. Seems like a bug to me?



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Hi @econaut,

Thanks for the report! Our team is taking a closer look into this specific album.

Are you seeing this behavior across any other Qobuz albums?

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I just checked with several Qobuz albums and the one from Eurythmics in the screenshots and the bug seems to be gone.

From the latter I had two tracks in the library, deleted one, but the bug behavior did not reappear.

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