Unable to access Qobuz Favourites Albums 2024

Dear Roon,

I have been unable to access my favourite albums in Qobuz when trying to access them via Roon.

I can see them when accessing Qobuz via the Qobuz app.

Same problem with my Focal/Naim app.

Started a couple weeks ago of weeks ago on Roon. I have sent Qobuz customer services a message but the Chatbot does not understand my request. Any insights? I have tried the basics log out and log in again. Playlist and purchases are still there. No albums Thanks

If it happens with the Focal/Naim app, it seems unlikely to be a Roon problem

Hi @Craig_Cook,

Please see here, if you haven’t already: Favorites albums do not load from Qobuz to Roon [Investigating]

We’re working with the Qobuz team to resolve the issue on the backend.