Unable to Access Qobuz in Roon (ref#X3A774)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category

Description of Issue

I have used Roon to access Qobuz for a long time. Within the last week, it stopped allowing me access. I thought it might have something to do with my Qobuz renewal the other day, but when I signed onto Qobuz, it appeared that everything was fine and my credit card payment was accepted. Now, when I go into Settings, Services, Login, after typing my email address and password, I get the following message - There was an unexpected error, please check your account details. I also tried to reboot both my system (Windows 10) and router, and I also cleared my cache.

Roon Server Platform


Roon Server Specifications

Dell XPS 8900, Bios 2.9.1, Intel(R) Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 32G memory, SAMSUNG SSD PM871 M.2 2280 256GB, 2TB additional drive, music on Synology external drives (these aren’t applicable when streaming from Qobuz)

Connected Audio Devices

Ayre QX-5 Twenty DAC, connected thru ethernet to computer (note everything works when playing my own music; it’s just a problem when trying to connect to Qobuz)

Home Network Details

Ethernet connection to DAC, router is Xfinity XFI Gateway

Hi @Mark_Freedman,
Thank you for your patience while we worked through the queue. Often this problem can be caused by using a VPN or proxy. If you are using either try turning it off and trying again.

Thanks, Daniel. I don’t use a VPN, but I actually think I got to the root of the problem. I use Roon in 2 locations. I noticed the problem in my primary location. Once I got to the second location yesterday, I logged into Roon and it worked perfectly, including the interaction with Qobuz. So that tells me it’s not a Qobuz issue and it’s likely not a Roon issue, either. I’m guessing the Roon software in my primary location got corrupted from all of the updates over the years and who knows what else. So when I return to my primary location on Sunday or Monday, I intend to reinstall Roon from scratch. I reinstalled Roon once before in my second location for a strange issue and that worked.


Okay great let me know if that fixes the issue.

I’m back at my first location. I uninstalled and reinstalled Roon. It still didn’t let me enter my Qobuz credentials, i.e., I got the same error that I had before.

Okay, can you tell me the name of the Roon server you are having trouble with? It will make it easier to find in diagnostics.

Roon server is Dell XPS 8900, Bios 2.9.1, Intel(R) Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 32G memory, SAMSUNG SSD PM871 M.2 2280 256GB, 2TB additional drive, music on Synology external drives (these aren’t applicable when streaming from Qobuz)

Thank you, we’re enabling diagnostics on your device. In the meantime, you should take a look at this topic. Let me know if turning off advanced security improves anything.

While I have internet from Xfinity, I’m using Bitfender for virus protection. I’m not sure which switch to hit in that, but keep in mind, I’m able to sign into Qobuz directly.

This will be in the Xfinity settings. Does your Bitdefender have a firewall as well?
When reviewing your logs we saw an error related to VPN

01/14 21:12:34 Warn: [qobuz] [http] error result from http request: {"status":"error","code":403,"message":"Proxies and VPNs not allowed"}

You can take a look at your logs yourself if you want. Here are the instruction for finding them

Yes, Bitfender does have a firewall. Under the firewall’s rules, it states that roon.exe and roonappliance.exe are allowed. It makes no mention of Qobuz, but like I said, I have no problem signing onto Qobuz mannually.
Bitfender also has VPN capability. But I don’t have it connected.
I logged into my Xfinity router. It has a firewall and says “Firewall security level - low”
I’m going to try to access the security through my phone app and see if there’s any more stuff there.

I went into the Xfinity app on my phone and turned advanced security off. I still get the same error, so I’m putting it back on for now.

I uploaded a Roon log file from today.

I signed into Roon today and it asked me if I was interested in any of the services (Qobuz, Tidal, etc.). I clicked on the sign-in for Qobuz, and lo and behold, it worked. I don’t know if the Roon people did anything with my log file or this was just a coincidence, but in any case, my whole issue seems resolved.

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