Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
After successful installation of the Rock OS on my new NUC, I’m unable to figure out how to install the ffmpeg codecs file in the /Data/Codecs folder since it is not visible to me from a Windows 10 PC.
Please advise.
Hi Greg,
I’ve followed the instructions that you’ve shared, but I’m unable to find or access the ‘automatically’ shared network folder. i.e. Rock/Data/Codecs. That’s the issue I’m trying to resolve. If you have any suggestions, that will be appreciated. Thanks
AFAIK the ROCK provides anonymous shares (no user/password needed). Windows 10 might disallow connections to such shares by default.
Still unclear what your problem is. Why do you need to find the share if you already know it’s path (\\ROCK\) from the documentation @Greg linked above? Is there some error when you try to access the share?
Hi Greg & BlackJack,
I eventually figured out what the issue was. Yes, I’m using File Explorer to find the share. However, you also need to turn ON the SMB file sharing feature in Windows under Control Panel, Programs. After I did that and rebooted the various Rock folders were visible and accessible via File Explorer. I’ve copied the ffmpeg codecs file to /Data/Codecs folder and everything looks good in the Rock web UI now. Internet Explorer no longer renders the Rock Web UI properly. Using MS Edge or Chrome displays fine. The Roon Server Software status now reports OK. Thanks.