Unable to connect to Roon Nucleus + server after multiple troubleshooting attempts (ref#I6KN56)

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I cannot connect to the Roon server. The AV professional that sold me the product has tried all troubleshooting with no success. This happened previously and Roon replaced the device. I cannot spend more time on this. I need to device replaced, or upgraded or I need to switch to a more reliable streaming hardware. Please advise.

Describe your network setup

Sorry, I do not have time to provide this information and I do not believe it is relavent.

Unfortunately, the networking details that you have not provided can be very important to solving issues like this one.

Also, what ‘device’ is Roon Server running on? You say previously, ‘Roon replaced the device’. This would appear to imply that it is a Nucleus (Plus).

If it is a Nucleus, have you tried connecting a monitor or a TV to the HDMI output of the Nucleus? If so, can you post a photo of what you see on the screen. This will, hopefully, provide confirmation that the Nucleus is working and is attached to the network. Alternatively, if may give a clue as to the nature of a network issue (no useful ip address shown) or it may indicate some kind of failure with the Nucleus itself.

It is almost certain that you will have to spend more time on this. Without time on your part, no one can diagnose an issue. It you are not prepared to spend some time, then I doubt that anyone here will be able to help to any significant extent.

Before you decide that the Roon Server device is the unreliable part in the setup (it may be - but you have not provided enough information to be able to tell), you need to establish that it is not a networking issue. No Roon hardware platform will offer a reliable Roon service if there are issues with the network.

Even if you do find that you have a faulty Nucleus, it is quite possible it can be fixed with a much smaller outlay than buying another device. For example, a fault that is seen resonably frequently on older Nucleus devides is a faulty M.2 NVME SSD (the SSD that holds the operating system and Roon Server application). This can be easily be replaced by the user if they are confident enough or by a local computer repair centre otherwise.


To be clear, I really like the roon software. And you may be right, there may be a fix. However, this is what I know. I have a very solid professional AV team with a great deal of experience trouble shooting this problem. This same problem happened previously. When they ran through the trouble shooting with Roon support, Roon determined to replace the unit. We are having the same problem. I paid my AV professional for 2.5 hours of troubleshooting. He attempted to contact Roon with no success. There is no way to contact a live person to trouble shoot. We are left to a tech support bot that runs you in circles. For the price of this unit, Roon I would expect to be able to reach a tech support person. If you want to discuss directly with my AV professional, I will connect you with him. He never received a response from Roon. And as you suggest, I would rather fix than than spend money on another unit. However, to me the lost weekends of enjoying music are a greater cost than a spending money on a new unit. I would live to get this fixed however I have instructed them to find a solution that may be more reliable. And I apologize, I just dont have time to personally trouble shoot this device.

And I apologize, yes, it is a Roon nucleus +. And I will try to connect to the TV tomorrow.

If you do not wish to investigate further, then you can get an RMA started by filling out the typeform below:


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Hi @phil1,
Thanks for writing into let us know about this issue. The link that @Geoff_Coupe posted in his comment would be a good place to start troubleshooting your nucleus. If an RMA is needed the linked typeform will also help you submit an RMA.

Hello, I would like to process an RMA. However, the link you provided brings me back to the endless loop of troubleshooting.

How do I process and RMA? Or have someone contact me and maybe I upgrade to the newer Roon. I just can’t keep spending time on this.

Please disregard. I went through all of the questions again, and got to the RMA.

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The “initiate an RMA” is one of the options in the Troubleshooting Typeform - perhaps you missed it? Go back and try again, please…