Unable to Connect to TIDAL/Reinstalling RoonServer on Synology

When I enter the URL


into my browser, it downloads the file to my PC.

Even though you can download the file in your browser on your computer, your diskstation apparently can’t. :frowning:

I can’t say whether this is caused by the firewall or by the Diskstation’s network/interface settings.

As I mentioned before, there is a another way to install Roon Server on the Diskstation: Download the file with your computer (RoonServer_linuxx64.tar.bz2) and put it manually to the public shared folder of your Diskstation. If the “public” share does not exist on your Diskstation, you need to create it first (‘public’ has to be all lowercase!).

Then run the installation with yesterday’s spk file again.

The installer won’t try to download the RoonServer file anymore and uses the file in the public share now.

As Roon Server also needs access to the internet, I’d strongly recommend to check your firewall and network settings of your Diskstation nevertheless. :wink:

The installation worked!!! And I think that I now actually found the root of the problem!!!

Although now running on my NAS, RoonServer could not login to my Roon account. So, I checked the firewall settings on the NAS and the firewall is not enabled because I have my firewall setup between the switch and the internet. So, I checked the network settings on the NAS. When I spotted the DNS server settings, it reminded me that my IT provider had asked me at the end of April (about 2 weeks after the first successful installation of RoonServer) to change the DNS servers on my PC for some reason. So, I now also entered the same DNS servers on my NAS - and … RoonServer could connect to my Roon account. So, I guess - and this comes with a big embarrassment - that the whole problem from the very start must have been the old and incorrect DNS server entries on my NAS??? Could this be it???

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This is actually very likely. With an incorrect DNS server, your Diskstation won’t know how to resolve domain names into IP addresses. :wink:

The good thing about this issue is, that I finally managed to get more accurate info in the installation wizard and error windows (which were pretty useless and incomplete before :joy: ) and I will update the .spk soon on the RoonOnNAS website.


Once again, thank you so much.

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