Unable to Deauthorise QNAP Roon Server (ref#7JVBN9)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category

Installation or Setup

Description of Issue

I can’t deauthorise my QNAP Roon Server, I have another Roon-server that i would like to use. But i can’t deauthorise it

Roon Server Platform

Roon Server Specifications

It’s running on QNAP TS-653

Connected Audio Devices

Lyngdorf TDA-1120

Home Network Details


You need to connect to your alternative Roon Server first - then you should get the screen that asks you to Deauthorize the Roon Server installed on your QNAP.

Is this not happening for you? Then some screenshots of what you are seeing would be helpful for further diagnosis.

Thanks for the quick response.

I’m getting this error message about a connection problem. But The QNAP is connected to the local network. I can do updates etc.

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And presumably if you click the Unauthorize button nothing happens?

Where is your new Roon Server installed? And is it running?

Yes, nothing happens, the Roon Server is running on my QNAP TS653. The new one on a NUC in my local network
It seems there’s no connectivity to internet. but nothing should be blocked.

OK - you have now a Roon Server on a NUC (running ROCK, Windows or Linux?)

What are the IP addresses of your Roon devices?

The new Roon-Server is running on Linux in network (/24)
The QNAP is also in the same network.

What is the Roon UI running on (the device that you posted the screenshot from)?

When I’ connecting to Roon ( on the QNAP)
I see this message as well

Yes, that message states that Roon is having problems accessing the internet… Are you sure that all the necessary Firewall rules are in place on your devices?

There are no firewalls active in my network. not for outgoing connections

Hmm - OK… Then please tell us more about your network setup and configuration.

I’ve rebooted the new nuc and now it’s working… also enabled the firewall service on qnap and allow the subnet for connections to outside.

thanks for your help

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