Unable to download Roon after accidental programme deletion (ref#AJC45U)

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Describe the issue

Sono nel periodo di prova di Roon inavvertitamente ho cancellato il programma e ora non riesco più a scaricarlo dal sito

Describe your network setup

Apple macOS


I am in the trial period of Roon and inadvertently deleted the programme and now I can no longer download it from the site.

There are no restrictions on downloading Roon.
Can you confirm your are using this site … Roon - Downloads
What file are you attempting to download?
What error message is being reported?


Hi @meggenta,

Diagnostics indicate that an active RoonServer instance is now associated with your account. Are you still encountering this problem?

Third-party firewall or antivirus software can sometimes prevent Roon Remote from accessing RoonServer, even on the same machine. if you haven’t already, be sure to add Roon and it’s sub-processes as an exception in the firewall whitelist for any additional security you’ve installed.

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