Unable to Locate Roon Nucleus After Software Update (ref#0R2C2J)

Affected Product


Nucleus Model

Nucleus+ Rev B

Description of Issue

This seems to happen about every time Roon updates its software. I can’t locate my roon server. It’s a Roon Nucleus. None of my hardware has changed. When I type the IP address in my browser, I get the waiving black and white flag. None of my remotes can connect since my Nucleus can’t be located. Please help.

RAM & Internal Storage

not sure. Can’t find it to determine

Connected Audio Devices

HDMI cable to Anthem Audio AVR. Disconnected now but still can’t locate Nucleus

Home Network Details

It’s attached to a ethernet switch. No hardware has changed. Only the software update by Roon.



Have you tried rebooting the Nucleus?

Yes. Several times. And unplugged the HDMI which seemed to help before when this happened.

Hey @William_Howard,

Thanks for taking the time to write in, and sorry to hear about your Nucleus issues. After reviewing your account, I see that your Nucleus has been online and active recently. I wanted to check in and see if you were still having issues?

I’ll be on standby for your reply. Thanks :+1:

It seems to be an intermittent problem. The worst kind. I pulled the nucleus out of the cabinet it’s stored in, plugged it into another wall plug, attached to another switch and it popped right up. I let it run for a few hours there. Then I returned it to previous location and connections. It worked fine. I rebooted several times. Unplugged it from power, rebooted the switch, etc. nothing worked until I pulled it out.

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Thanks for the heads up @William_Howard I’ll keep this thread open incase you experience the issue again. I’ll be on standby for your reply if so! :+1:

All good for now. I’ll keep you posted.

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