Unable to log in to Roon

Roon Core Machine

Roon Core : Antipodes K50

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Networking Gear : Telus T3200 Router/modem, connected directly to K50

Connected Audio Devices

Connected Audio Devices : Border Patrol SEi or Moon 280D DACs

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

I haven’t used my system for over a month and now am unable to log in.
I click on : Choose Roon Core/Connect
Then : Roon /Login (this step is new to me)
And it takes me back to my iPad home page.
I’ve tried rebooting the iPad and Router/modem, as well as the K50 (several times)
but the problem persists.
I would really appreciate some help! Thanks.

It’s probably because in the meantime there was this update that has a new login method, so you probably have to do that once:

Except that it doesn’t in all cases reduce confusion :slight_smile:

Does your iPad (or the web browser on the iPad) block cookies, have a pop-up blocker, or other content blocking things? They seem to be the most common cause, try turning off any such things.

Here’s a quite precise solution that helped another user, maybe it is useful:

Thanks for your quick reply, Mario.
That was very helpful and I’ve got my system going again without having to
wrack my aging grey matter too much.
Thanks and best regards.

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Great, I’m glad this helped. The new login through the browser has brought to light some issues with such blockers. The Roon guys are aware :slight_smile:

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