Unable to Login Into Roon

Roon Core Machine

Windows 10 (Latest Version), Intel CPU , 16G Ram

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Hardwired Network, Route: Pfsense. All Vpn’s Shut Down

Connected Audio Devices

USB and Network

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

Roon been functioning perefectly for many years. Upgraded to V2.0 from V1.8. Unable to login to Roon Cloud server to verify account on initial startup

Message on trying to login: Network error: Please Check your Internet Connection
NB: The Windows 10 Machine has full internet access WITHOUT ISSUE.

Log Output from Roon Logs: (Significant Part)
10/02 09:24:17 Debug: [easyhttp] [2] POST to https://discovery.roonlabs.net/1/query returned after 1379 ms, status code: 200
10/02 09:24:17 Debug: [easyhttp] [4] POST to https://roonmobile.roonlabs.net/1/cores/announce returned after 1293 ms, status code: 401
10/02 09:24:17 Debug: [easyhttp] [6] POST to https://discovery.roonlabs.net/1/query returned after 1107 ms, status code: 200
10/02 09:24:22 Debug: [easyhttp] [7] POST to https://discovery.roonlabs.net/1/register returned after 442 ms, status code: 200
10/02 09:24:22 Trace: [inetdiscovery] registered 1 devices, 2 services
10/02 09:24:25 Debug: [easyhttp] [8] GET to https://push-manager.roonlabs.net/1/connect returned after 243 ms, status code: 200
10/02 09:24:25 Debug: [push2] push connector url received from push manager: ws://push-connector-v2-0.prd-roonlabs-1.prd.roonlabs.net/
10/02 09:24:25 Trace: [push2] connecting to push2 connector at ws://push-connector-v2-0.prd-roonlabs-1.prd.roonlabs.net/
10/02 09:24:26 Trace: [push2] connected to push2 connector at ws://push-connector-v2-0.prd-roonlabs-1.prd.roonlabs.net/
10/02 09:24:26 Debug: [easyhttp] [9] POST to https://device-map.roonlabs.net/1/register returned after 251 ms, status code: 200
10/02 09:24:26 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
10/02 09:24:29 Info: [stats] 5581mb Virtual, 213mb Physical, 31mb Managed, 1701 Handles, 83 Threads
10/02 09:24:44 Trace: [appupdater] initial check for updates
10/02 09:24:44 Debug: [base/updater] Checking for updates: https://updates.roonlabs.com/update/?v=2&serial=B6ED167C-C144-48D1-8DB6-33223402E8A8&userid=&platform=windows64&product=Roon&branding=roon&curbranch=production&version=200001128&branch=production&coredeviceid=1742e939-a5bd-4bac-9fd7-4f95696c15ea&deviceid=1742e939-a5bd-4bac-9fd7-4f95696c15ea&osversion=Windows+10&os64bit=true
10/02 09:24:44 Info: [stats] 5414mb Virtual, 212mb Physical, 30mb Managed, 1460 Handles, 50 Threads
10/02 09:24:45 Debug: [easyhttp] [10] GET to https://updates.roonlabs.com/update/?v=2&serial=B6ED167C-C144-48D1-8DB6-33223402E8A8&userid=&platform=windows64&product=Roon&branding=roon&curbranch=production&version=200001128&branch=production&coredeviceid=1742e939-a5bd-4bac-9fd7-4f95696c15ea&deviceid=1742e939-a5bd-4bac-9fd7-4f95696c15ea&osversion=Windows+10&os64bit=true returned after 1237 ms, status code: 204
10/02 09:24:45 Debug: [appupdater] Update not needed
10/02 09:24:59 Info: [stats] 5402mb Virtual, 210mb Physical, 29mb Managed, 1446 Handles, 47 Threads
10/02 09:25:14 Info: [stats] 5402mb Virtual, 210mb Physical, 32mb Managed, 1438 Handles, 47 Threads
10/02 09:25:29 Info: [stats] 5399mb Virtual, 211mb Physical, 30mb Managed, 1534 Handles, 46 Threads
10/02 09:25:44 Info: [stats] 5399mb Virtual, 211mb Physical, 30mb Managed, 1534 Handles, 46 Threads
10/02 09:25:59 Info: [stats] 5450mb Virtual, 212mb Physical, 32mb Managed, 1538 Handles, 46 Threads
10/02 09:26:03 Warn: AddTopLevel: dimlayer(340)
10/02 09:26:03 Warn: AddTopLevel: capturelayer(341)
10/02 09:26:03 Warn: AddTopLevel: capturelayer(341)
10/02 09:26:03 Warn: AddTopLevel: win_spinner(336)
10/02 09:26:03 Warn: AddTopLevel: win_spinner(336)
10/02 09:26:03 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] POST https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/login
10/02 09:26:03 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] BODY email=nevans%40support-tech.com.au&password=<<>>
10/02 09:26:03 Trace: [broker/accounts] Data updated. AccountStatus=NoAccountConfigured MachineStatus=NeedsAccount UserId=
10/02 09:26:04 Warn: [easyhttp] [12] Post https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/login web exception without response: The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
10/02 09:26:05 Warn: AddTopLevel: capturelayer(341)
10/02 09:26:05 Warn: AddTopLevel: win_spinner(336)
10/02 09:26:12 Warn: AddTopLevel: dimlayer(340)
10/02 09:26:12 Warn: AddTopLevel: capturelayer(341)
10/02 09:26:12 Warn: AddTopLevel: capturelayer(341)
10/02 09:26:12 Warn: AddTopLevel: win_spinner(336)
10/02 09:26:12 Warn: AddTopLevel: win_spinner(336)
10/02 09:26:12 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] POST https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/login
10/02 09:26:12 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] BODY email=nevans%40support-tech.com.au&password=<<>>
10/02 09:26:12 Trace: [broker/accounts] Data updated. AccountStatus=NoAccountConfigured MachineStatus=NeedsAccount UserId=
10/02 09:26:13 Warn: [easyhttp] [13] Post https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/login web exception without response: The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
10/02 09:26:13 Warn: AddTopLevel: capturelayer(341)
10/02 09:26:13 Warn: AddTopLevel: win_spinner(336)
10/02 09:26:14 Info: [stats] 5450mb Virtual, 212mb Physical, 30mb Managed, 1536 Handles, 46 Threads
10/02 09:26:23 Warn: [easyhttp] [14] Post https://device-map.roonlabs.net/1/register web exception without response: The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
10/02 09:26:23 Trace: [devicemap] error updating device map: NetworkError
10/02 09:26:29

Hi @Nicholas_Evans,

Thank you for your issue report. We appreciate your patience in awaiting a response.

From a diagnostics side of things, I’m seeing what you are seeing. The last report we have from your core was 19 days ago and it’s showing version 1.8.

Two suggestions:

  • Create a Backup of your current database
  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “Roon”
  • Rename the “Roon” folder to “Roon_old”
  • Reinstall the Roon App from our Downloads Page to generate a new Roon folder
  • Verify if the issue persists on a fresh database before restoring the backup
  1. Possibly the easiest path here. Change your DNS to Google’s DNS. We have historically seen some issues surrounding account verification, updating, and DNS. Google’s DNS servers are and

Please let me know how things go for you. I will assign your case to me and monitor for responses.


Have followed the instructions below. Its seem to be in part working. Connectivity works for a period of time after a reboot, then subsequently fails unless I do another reboot. Very odd behavior. Additionally, it sometimes happens when there is a initial failure of a login followed with a retry that does succeed. This seems to be a timeout issue of some sort. Just surmising …


Nick Evans

Is it possible for you to assign a static IP to the core and try to duplicate it?

Can you confirm that you did in fact set your DNS to Google’s?


Yes, the machine has a static IP address and yes I using Google DNS’s
I also want to make is very clear, that this machine has full access to the internet in all otherways without issue. I have also turned off Firewalling, turned off virus software and REMOVED vpn software. Roon connectivity as previously mentioned, is sort of working, but not stable!!!


Hi @Nicholas_Evans,

Can you help me better understand your network? What kind of modem and router do you have? Are there any switches (and are they managed or unmanaged) in between the router and the networked devices?

I have seen something like this happen after the upgrade to 2.0 but it was as simple as restarting the network from the router to your Roon devices to fix it. If you try this, please try to duplicate the problem and give me a date/time/track played stamp so I can look at diagnostics.

Hopefully, the more detailed networking setup can help me shed light on your issues too.



Thanks for the follow up … I have a fairly sophisticated home network (over 150 IP addresses), with various non and managed switches. Yes, I know where you are coming from. I have seen where some switches just sporadically have trouble passing connection handshakes for certain Ip’s addresses. Normally requires the switches and or routers to be rebooted to clear various caches,etc. Anyway I am getting connections (however not consistently). I will, when I get a chance, reboot all the various components. Unfortunately off the New Zealand for two weeks, so for the moment i might just close this problem off until I get a better chance to investigate further. Your time is appreciated …


Nick Evans

The issue reported will stay open for 30 days and I will be notified of responses.

Keep me posted

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