Unable to login to Roon server from China due to Google redirect issues (ref#VEFBP0)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble logging in

Where are you having trouble logging in?

· I can't log into the Roon app

Describe the issue

Looks I'm not able to login Roon server from China, I tried access my Roon server in NUC that was installed ROCK, but Roon server requires sign in by a Roon account, I tried many times with different web browser like Microsoft Edge, Chrome, FireFox to login, but failed, and I noted my login session seems to redirect to Google cloud platform, if so, It would be root cause that login failed in China, as Google including website, Google play and Google could etc... are all not reachable in China.

Describe your network setup

Common home LAN.

Hi @Kurt_Niu,

You’re experiencing limited access to third-party servers essential to Roon services due to provider-level restrictions. This is unfortunately outside of Roon’s control.

We generally suggest posting in Tinkering where other users might have suggestions.