Unable to open roon app

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Mac mini Intel duo core i7-3615 QM CPU @2.30 GHz running Windows 10 Pro version 20

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Spectrum ether net
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

PS Audio DSD dac ethernet
Description Of Issue

TEXT GOES HERE unable to open app

Try to update your GPU drivers to the latest version available directly from Intel. See also this older thread:


You are one of many hit by this , looks like a Windows update screwed drivers

I see it that way: Integrated GPUs where always entry level when introduced. Also the GPU in question is already 9 years old. While Roon is moving forward, such old low power GPUs get more and more in danger to be left behind. There is a good chance that, after next year when the GPU reaches it’s 10 year jubilee, the driver support might end (no more new drivers). There is a high probability that after this point the GPU may become incompatible with Roon at some point in time without a chance to resolve.
It will all depend on how long the manufacturer is willing to support such old hardware and if Roon is willing to restrict it’s code from using more recent graphics technology to keep Roon compatible with such old age hardware.