Unable to pick audio devices

Is it possible if someone can take controls of my CPU and see the issue? Its not a hardware issue.

Hey @Kimmyrocker - we can take a look but I’m hoping you can try one thing first. I want to move your Roon install aside temporarily and see if the issue recurs with a fresh install – this shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

Start by finding your Roon folder and renaming it to something else temporarily, like Roon_old. Then, you can safely reinstall Roon and let us know if this is still happening with a fresh install and new database. I’m interested to see if there’s any change, which should give us a better sense of what’s going on here.

Thanks and sorry for the trouble!

I’m not too confident in my abilities to do this. Could I have assistance?

The fresh install allows me to pick the DAC and name it. How do I obtain my old database?

There are threads on this, moving to a new machine etc. so have a look at them but basically it’s copying everything in Roon_old EXCEPT the application folder into your new Roon folder.

Glad you seem to have this sorted.


So after following the instructions about moving my old database, I start up Roon to give me the exact error I had previously. I cannot name my DAC and in turn select it for playback. This is really frustrating. I would like some assistance here as if I just do a fresh install I lose all my Tidal information. Please advise!

Hey @Kimmyrocker – sorry for the trouble here. I’m going to follow up via PM and we’ll get some logs and take a look at what’s going on.

this has just started happening with me.

latest Roon running on Synology 1513+ with latest DSM 6.1-15047 Update 1.

Oppo 105D connected via USB, i shows up in Roon as a zone but disappears whenever I try to play a track, roon says “no audio devices found”. 3 seconds later it reappears as a zone.

roon will happily play to my samsung phone as a zone.

the Oppo is working fine, no issues playing tracks directly off the Synology.

update: a fresh install of Roon seems to have put things right.