Unable to play 192 24 files[Solved]

I see the change on front lights. Again I have used this set up since febbruary and it has worked fine. Nothing has changed in my set up

Per the earlier post. I can swap out the orbiter with a raspberry pi and switch to optical and have everything play fine. I originally had the orbiter running on optical only similar to the raspberry pi and it performed well on all formats. I added to sotm a few months back and switched to usb playback with no issues. Now in trying to go back to getting the orbiter to play through optical it only plays 44k.

Confirmed it is the orbiter. It just died this morning. RIP. No power at all. This could explain sporatic optical, etc performance. I will connect with Andrew on Monday for replacement. Meanwhile Backup Rasberppy Pi running fine.

Returned from my trip. Further testing shows the issue for me was using closed form filter in HQP. All resolutions playing adaptive filters as expected.

Sorry for the false positive !

I’ll do an RMA for you. Email you now.