Unable to set up a backup directory. error message

I have roon nucleus. it is connected to a wired network
I have a windows 11 dell computer connected on the same network ( wired)
I am trying to create the back on the windows computer
Whenever I try to add a network share, I get the message Invalid network path,.
Please tell me exactly what to put under the network location.
My computer name is DellAuroraHome
I want to back up on the C drive
I have tried everything without succss
Thank you
Medhat Salem

Have you first set up a shared folder on your Windows C drive?

What is its name, and what user account have you associated with the shared folder? Note that the user account must be a Windows local account - you cannot use your Microsoft Account for this.

How to create a shared folder?
There were no instructions about creating a shared folder, but let me know how to create and I will
I only created a folder called Roon back up on drive C
The user name is Medhat
The computer name is DellAurora
Thanks for helping

The procedure for setting up a shared folder in Windows is given in the Help article on setting up a Roon Watched folder in Windows. It will be the same for setting up a Roon Backup folder:

Once you’ve set up the shared folder, then in Roon, the Add network share screen should be filled in like this (I assume Medhat is the local user account that you are going to use, and it has a password):

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I used the above as the network location . MedhatRoonBackup is a shared folder
I put the user name I use to log in to the computer and the password I use to log on to the computer as well. I still get a message saying " There was an unexpected error"

That’s not the correct format for a network share location. The format is \\<computer name>\<shared folder name>\

Please note that LG is the name of the computer

So it should be \\LG20230712\MedhatRoonBackup\

What is the username that you are using?

I am using the user name I use to log in to windows which is Medhat Salem

Right, I think you’ll need to create a local user account with a short name (e.g. roon) for this network share. See this post and thread in the forum:

OK will try it’
Thank You