Been running an Intel NUC i7 ROCK for about 6½ years. Have a new problem, am unable to resolve it. Unable to stream internet radio stations. Have been streaming the stations successfully until this week.
Receive these error messages: "Playback was interupted because a track failed to load." on stations streaming MP3 or AAC. "Unable to play station. Its address may have changed, or it may be temporarily unavailable." on stations streaming in FLAC.
Did an Operating System Reinstall from the ROCK admin page. No help.
On 'My Live Radio' stations KCSM, SomaFM, Radio Paradise, KPOO, KFJC, or Shirley & Spinoza.
From Roon Live Radio unable to stream 'Exclusive Radio Chicago Dubai, UAE', KMVQ, KXPR. Was able to stream KQED 256K & 128K AAC from Roon Live Radio but not their MP3 stream. KQED is about 10 blocks from where I live and could be using the same ISP (which is about ½ block away).
Able to stream music from Tidal or Qobuz and play items on my NAS'
Thanks for any help, Glenn H.
My Live Redio stations: KCSM - SomaFM - and Radio Paradise - KPOO - KFJC - Shirley & Spinoza Radio -
Describe your network setup
ISP Router Asus RT-AX88U using wired ethernet Firmware 386.3 checked for updates 2/18/25 Port 1 Netgear GS116LP Switch (rebooted 2/20), to various Ethernet ports in the house. Port 2 Raspberry Pi 4B running Raspian Bookworm and Pi Hole Core v6.0.1FTL v6.0Web interface v6.0 (DNS server). Completely rebuilt 2/19/25 Port 3 Netgear 108PP for cameras & NVR Port 4 Roon Optimized Core Kit (ROCK) Intel NUC7i7BNH NUC with 8 GB of RAM and a 64 GB M.2 SSD Operating System Version 2.1 (build 271) Roon Server Software Version 2.0 (build 1496) 2156 Artist 2954 Albums 37348 Tracks
Family room 50" TCL Roku TV
Desk 1 Netgear GS-108 NUC i5 with Windows 11 Google Nest Wi-fi Pro 6E AXE5400 Mesh Router
Desk 2 Netgear GS-108 HP Envy i7 12GB RAM Windows 10 Home 22H2 64-bit OS Raspberry Pi 4B Raspian Bookworm NAS Qnap TS-470 Firmware version (2024/06/19) CPU Intel Celeron CPU G1620 @ 2.70GHz Memory 1821.9 MB Google Nest Wi-fi Pro 6E AXE5400 Mesh Router
Bedroom Raspberry Pi 4B Dietpi Klipsch The Three
Dining room Netgear GS-108 Naim Mu-so Generation 2 Google Nest Wi-fi Pro 6E AXE5400 Mesh Router
Hello noris,
Read the instructions at ‘Roon OS Missing Codecs’. Downloaded ‘ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar.xz - md5’ from under ‘git master: built on 20240629’ and used 7-Zip to extract ‘ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar’ then to ‘ffmpeg-git-20240629-amd64-static’ then copied the contents of that folder into ‘\ROCK\Data\Codecs.’
Still get the same errors attempting to play internet radio from ‘My Live Radio.’ Able to play aiff, wav, dsf, m3p & flac from my NAS fine.
If you can play mp3 from the NAS, it is not a codec issue. And as I wrote before, a codec issue wouldn’t cause the described problems with FLAC radio stations, either.
Only the ffmpeg (6/29/24 78,056KB) file is in \ROCK\Data\Codecs directory. Still get same errors in ‘Live Radio’ and ‘My Live Radio’. Tried mp3, aac and flac streams. Errors are “Playback was interrupted because a track failed to load.” on stations streaming MP3 or AAC. “Unable to play station. Its address may have changed, or it may be temporarily unavailable.” on stations streaming in FLAC.
I was guilty of not being precise enough here - one particular way of adding data works (the same kludge that icecast uses for mp3 and aac) - but in general the modern ogg way does not. RP uses the kludge, JB Radio (and many others) uses the ogg format.
The …/flacm URL for RP should work most of the time but RP have told us that the …/flac URL is more stable. The metadata in this particular case is added separately by Roon using @alec_eiffel 's metadata service.
For this particular issue, could the DNS cache for the NUC be corrupted?
Thanks for all the additional information so far! A small troubleshooting step - while I don’t think it will likely solve your issue, could you please update your version of Roon Server to the latest build?
After that, please attempt to play an issue station and share a more specific date and time. From there, we’ll enable diagnostics to take a fresh look at any additional clues that may be provided.
While Roon was streaming My Live Radio there was never a problem streaming the RP flacm. I am not techie enough to have dropped the letter ‘m’ off of flac. But I tried it both ways in foobar today, no problem.
I recently rebuilt my PiHole/DNS Server (after Roon radio quit streaming and not because of the Roon issue). The PiHole has a static address. There were a couple times since then the internet quit loading/streaming and an error message came up that the private DNS server failed. I updated the Pi OS and the PiHole software, have not seen that issue since. I do have a secondary DNS configured
, see attached.
My personal opinion has been something in the ROCK would be corrupted but I do not have enough technical expertise to know what.
Appreciate the quick responses. The ROCK OS is Ver. 2.1 (build 271) & the Server software is Ver.2.0 (build 1496). I shutdown the NUC via the webUI and brought it into my work area. Used canned air to blow the dust out and reseated the SSD & memory card. Wanted to know if I should use the Reinstall button in the webUI or download from the web and load from a USB drive. Powering up I had to restore from backup. After restore clicked Launch, came up with ‘Connect to your Roon Server.’ Clicked connect and went to a page with ‘Login’ or ‘Start free trail’ buttons. Clicked ‘Go back,’ went back to ‘Connect to your Roon Server.’ Clicked connect and went back to page with ‘Login’ or ‘Start free trail’ buttons.
Are you able to login after restoring your backup?
Typically, reinstalling via the webUI should upgrade you to the latest version of Roon!
If, after you login and gain access to your Roon account, head to Roon Settings>About - are you prompted to update on this page? Feel free to share a screenshot.
If possible, could you please use the directions found here and send over a set of Roon Server logs to our File Uploader? From there, we should be able to review any potential hardware related issues.
Clicked ‘Reinstall’ the OS in the webUI. That switched me to the main Roon window with the blue ‘Update available’ dialog box. Clicked the ‘Click here to install’ under ‘An update is ready to be downloaded’ which brought me to ‘There was an error checking for an update.’ After doing the screeenshot had a window with ‘Are You Online?’ with a ‘Retry’ button. Clicked Retry, showed the Roon logo momentarily then it disappeared. Clicked Go Back, that took me to the page with ‘Login’ or ‘Start free trail.’
Uploaded 3 compressed log folders with name Glenn Martin on all three.
Thanks for the update! We were able to review your ROCK server logs, and immedalty see an issue with the system clock - take a look here:
Info: [1] Starting RoonServer v2.0 (build 1496) production on linuxx64
Info: [1] Local time is 01/01/2009 19:45:49, UTC time is 01/01/2009 19:45:49
Your NUC seems to have a system clock setting to Jan 1, 2009. This does point to a BIOS related issue, here are some potential next steps for you to try:
Enter the BIOS Settings:
Restart your NUC and press F2 during boot to enter the BIOS.
Locate the date and time settings and update them to the current values.
Save the changes and exit.
Verify NTP Synchronization in ROCK:
Roon ROCK is designed to synchronize its time automatically using an NTP server. Ensure your network connection is active so that Roon ROCK can reach the NTP server.
Check the CMOS Battery:
If the clock reverts after a power cycle, the CMOS battery in your NUC may be failing. Replacing it can help ensure the BIOS retains the correct time when the system is off.
During reassembly the BIOS jumper came off. When powered on screen came up with BIOS jumper error message. Shutdown, opened the case and thankfully found the jumper. Located the Technical Product Information for the 7i7BNH, placed the BIOS jumper back on in the Normal position (across pins 1 & 2).
Powered on again, got screen:
“Please check your internet connection and try again.
Retry | clicked, got Retrying… momentarily
Contact support
< Go Back
‘Restore a backup’ clicked it.”
“Restore successfully completed. Please relaunch to continue.” Clicked ‘Relaunch.’ Went to ‘Connect to your Roon Server’ page. Roon Optimized Core Kit gave green indicator. Clicked 'Connect.'Went to Roon home page with Update available indicator. Clicked ‘Update all.’ No indication that an update took place.
Clicked rotating blue circle on upper right, box came up stating ‘Adding music to library…’ and ‘Metadata improver: Paused.’
Choose one track from My Library to play, worked. Choose an album from My Library to play, worked. Went to ‘My Live Radio,’ ‘Sonic Universe,’ an AAC station. Got ‘Unable to play this station, Its address may have changed, or it may be temporarily unavailable.’ Same for other stations.
Thank you for your report and for your ongoing patience with this issue. We’ve requested diagnostics from the ROCK but so far the machine has yet to respond - to expedite our investigation, we’d like to request you upload a manual logset that will include var_logs and RoonServer diagnostics for the affected unit.
At your convenience, please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader.