Unable to uninstall Roon from old laptop to connect to new laptop (ref#TWK46M)

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i have 2 laptops . the sytem is using the old laptop to connect to(windows 10) and wont let me download files to the new laptop. otherwise all is working. i need to uninstall roon from the old laptop so it will connect to the new laptop(Windows ssd) the old laptop will not me uninstall roon. how can I uninstall without causing disruption to my data and operation of my nucleusone and connect to my new laptop? i especially want to download high resolution files to my new much faster laptop.

Describe your network setup

lenovo laptop on windows ssd. 8 MB ram 1/2 TB hard drive.

You need to shut down both Roon programs on the old computer, Roon (the client) and Roon Server.

Right click on the Roon Server icon that will be found in the “applications running in the background” section of the Taskbar and choose the Quit option to close Roon Server. Then it can be uninstalled.


If you want to continue to use Roon (the Control component) on your old laptop, then you don’t need to uninstall Roon and Roon Server - just uncheck the “Launch at startup” option of Roon Server, so that it no longer runs.

If your server is (and has been on) the Nucleus One, you do not need to uninstall the old Roon. Just install Roon on the new laptop and then once you start Roon on the new laptop connect to the server on the Nucleus One.
Should look like this:
or this:

Do NOT “set up Roon Server on this PC” as that will create a new server.

If it is a new laptop you may need to add exceptions to your firewall to be able to see your existing Nucleus One.

Here is some more info on connecting to the Nucleus One (if needed):

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