Unable to update Roon Rock OS from version 1.0 (build 259) (ref#IT0I3Y)

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Describe the issue

Can't update Roon Rock OS version 1.0 (build 259) to latest version

Describe your network setup

PfSense provides routing services to devices attached via Ubiquiti Unifi switches and APs. Roon ROCK runs on an Intel NUC attached to a VLAN

What’s your NUC? Build 259 is the lastest if:

Here are the release notes for RoonOS:


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Hi, and thanks for the reply. That would explain it as the box with the problem is a NUC 8 with legacy bios - all installed some years ago. I have a VM running under ProxMox with UEFI that has happily updated. Appreciate you highlighting that for me!

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