Unable to update Roon server version from build 1392 to build 1401 (ref#XXM3IS)

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Roon server version stuck at build 1392, will not update to build 1401. Either sticks in 'downloading' or shows 'there was an error checking for an update' Have undertaken hard and soft restarts without effect.

Describe your network setup

Broadband router connected to Nucleus + via Netgear 8 port switch as per the last 4 years, no change. Updated Roon server on my Mac to 1401 as normal without issues

What does the red triangle say, top right?

You could try the Reinstall button on the web admin page of the Nucleus. This is non-destructive and updates all software on the Nucleus. Sometimes this works even if the update from the app doesn’t. If it doesn’t, at least it will show an error code

That worked!
Thank you so much, case closed :grinning:

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