Unexpected quitting - Mac .NET Threadpool Worker

Hi Ben. I did a completely new installation of everything. Mac mini M2 Pro. I bought a new computer hoping my Roon problems might go away. They did not. 16GB RAM. Same drives, same network config. Both the all-in-one app as well as the server. Generally I cannot make it through a single track without it crashing. Does Roon have problems on RAIDs? Previous versions did not. (Is there ANY chance I can get a copy of a previous version?)

Hey @Gary_Clayton1,

I’m sorry to hear this, its most certainly a bit of bad luck in this case.

Can you provide more detail around this?

For clarity, you’ve also experienced this crash controlling Roon from a different remote or mobile device while running Roon Server on the fresh install? Do you still crash when using Arc? There are no current issues tied to RAIDs specifically.

I wish there was, but unfortunately, we don’t have any options to downgrade versions at this time. I’m sorry you’ve been running into this long-standing issue across multiple environments.

I will be in touch with more information as soon as I have anything to share.

Is there an issue with SoftRaid software/driver that’s known?

Nevermind. Removed RAID and drivers and still crashing. Gotta be near 100 hours of troubleshooting. 960 mb/s internet…wired or wi-fi. Minimal software. New machine. Two months now without the ability to play music.

Completely erased my main music drive. Fifteen hours to copy all the music back on to it. No luck. The app is crashing as soon as I open it. I’m guessing it or a component of it is corrupted in some way. Best way to do a complete uninstall including any possible library components?

Other possibilities are possible issues with M2 machines, possible problems with larger volume sizes. Have you seen these?

Tried going to another large drive with many files. Same crashes. Tried restoring a backup from April (from an M1 machine) that I know was good. Same crash. Please help out here.

Hi @Gary_Clayton1,

The issue isn’t something we’ll be able to fix through troubleshooting, this crash is the result of a bug that likely relates specifically to a Ventura update from Apple. Our developers are still working on a fix, which is all the information I have to share for now.

OK. That helps. I will stop troubleshooting and wait for the fix.

If the bug is related to Ventura, @Gary_Clayton1 could you downgrade your OS on your older machine? That might get you playing music today.

Also itunes (apple music) is a reasonable backup to get music flowing


The machine is an M2 and shipped with Ventura. I’d prefer to not go to an OS that pre-dates the machine as it may not have the requisite resources for the machine to operate correctly. I have iTunes, Amazon Music, SiriusXM and Tidal and yes, I am using them in the interim.

If this is a macOS Ventura bug, why does not everyone using macOS Ventura on a M1 or M2 Mac mini experiencing it? What set of circumstances triggers the bug? Why does my system run like a champ while @Gary_Clayton can’t listen to one song with his Mac crashing???

I understand bugs. I’m in software. They happen. What should have happened was transparency. It could have saved me many, many hours of frustration. Be up front and say a bug was discovered.

Hi @Gary_Clayton,

To be clear, I did mention more than once that this is a known and tracked issue within our team:

Beyond that, I also notice that you are using two different community profiles, please keep your activity tied to a single profile moving forward.

Thank you, and I will be in touch when there is more information to share. :+1:

I solved my problem.

Hi @Gary_Clayton,

I’m glad to hear it! Out of curiosity, does this coincide with the recent Ventura update?

Happy listening! :notes:

I don’t believe so although it’s possible. It turns out I had an intermittent Cat-5 connection in the wall. I put a sniffer on it and found dropped packets. Fixed the connection and not a problem since.

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