Upcoming change to Roon subscription prices (January 1st, 2023)

It would make more sense to actually charge the $699 at the end of the current annual subscription. People would feel much better about it.


Totally understand and I have been sans Roon for a week myself as my internet went down with the last hurricane here.
But although I have found many ways to keep playing music( besides my physical media) still none offer the same in house convenience and completeness of Roon.
So…I will be likely going for the lifetime before the end of the year.
But that’s just me, obviously everyone use case will be different and they have to weigh up their options individually.



My extreme and unabashed envy.

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The exchange rate sucks, so I better not drop dead any time during the next 4.7 years or I’ll be cross :smiley:


No difference at all. That’s the point. It just seems more palatable to some people.

Yes, of course. You spent $100 you didn’t need to spend. Or, $120 had you gone lifetime two months ago. But, you can’t change your past decisions. Go for lifetime now at US$699.99 if you want to before the price goes up.

Jack Welch, the boss of General Electric, died fairly recently. But back in 1985, when he was young and healthy, he had a heart attack. Big crisis, doctors operated twice, the priest gave him the last rites, somebody asked him, what are you thinking now? What are your last words?

“Damn, I should have spent more money.”


Can I quote myself? Too late, here it is.


Have to say that is true. Hopefully ROON with some added income due to the price increase will get back to the behavior that once made it stand out. Quick user feedback, highly committed to bug fixing etc.
When I see what they did with ROON radio for example and leaving it for years half-finished, that’s definitely not the standard they were used to achieve.

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(X) Done :slight_smile:


9 posts were split to a new topic: You guys remember when Audirvana switched up pricing?

Raising the subscribtion price? When I would get $ 0,05 for every time the Roon app in my iPad Air crashes I would have the subscribtion for free.
You might get the notion that I would like to pay for the subscribtion when it is fully functional.
None of the other apps on my iPad crash so it might be Roon who has to solve this issue.
I look forward for crash free software first.
KR, Edwin


Hi Edwin, nobody forces us to use Roon. That is the point of trial, see if you can like it, with ups and downs and if you are willing to pay. Today in a 45 minutes walk ARC did crash 7 times. But it is no big deal for me. The benefits are bigger. But that is not a rule. So everybody has to judge for their own. I get your frustration and if I could not take it I would just cancel my subscription. My best friend still uses Spotify, no crash and free.


If you’re an energy company declaring profits in the UK, you’re going to get stiffed from next April by the windfall tax. A little short-sighted IMO. Energy companies are expected to invest in low carbon renewables. Kinda tricky if the government has stolen most of your profits.

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For example

British Gas operating profit for the first six months of 2022 rose to 1.34 billion pounds ($1.55 billion), up from 262 million a year earlier. I think they can do both.


A post was merged into an existing topic: You guys remember when Audirvana switched up pricing?

Not wishing to stir the pot, is your network properly sorted? I’ve not had a single issue with Roon in ~2 years of membership. I’m on totally Android, herself totally Apple.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: You guys remember when Audirvana switched up pricing?

I appreciate that they’re making a metric F***-ton of money right now. We want to persecute them for record profits, yet they got no support when making record losses. BTW, I have no affiliation with the energy industry. Swings and roundabouts…

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It is also device dependent I think. I have an 3 yers old phone, the cheapest Samsung back then, if I open a browser the other apps are freezing (now with ARC maybe I’ll upgrade). When using the phones of my kids, Samsung but 3 months old and not the cheapest one, I get no crash when roon in background.