My Mac Mini with Roon installed can’t see my Melco N-100 based library on my network as it could before the upgrade to Sequoia 15.0. Any thoughts why? Thanks!
Check all around the forums - it’s likely just something you need to check in your Mac’s firewall settings. Ensure all Roon software is allowed.
Thanks, turning off the firewall didn’t help. I’ll see about ensuring the Roon software is allowed…just need to figure out how.
Same issues. Sequoia has made Roon unusable.
Tried this, with reboots, Roon is non-functional on Sequoia
@Rick_Rummler @Chris_Lischy Try this:
Thanks, I greatly appreciate the suggestion, but it didn’t solve the problem.
Have you tried switching off “private Wi-fi address” in wifi-settings? It was a suggestion by someone on this forum. This plus allowing Roon full access to HD (in privacy settings) worked for me (even having all my players hardwired) to fix Roon not “seeing” my players and playback suffering from continuous “stutter”
Thanks for the suggestions. I hadn’t tried either. Unfortunately, they didn’t solve my problem. Thanks again.
Have you had any success getting Roon back on line with Sequoia? I had hoped that Apple’s recent release of Sequoia of 15.0.1 might solve the issue, but it didn’t. I’m now hoping an update to Roon solves the problem.
Turn off private cloud relay / privat WiFi
Restart router
Same hope, same result - Roon is not working with Sequoia
This did not make any difference. Thanks though.