Upsample to DSD no longer allowed

Roon Core Machine

ROCK running Roon B1277

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Synology latest SMS 1.3

Connected Audio Devices

Mytek Manhattan II

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

Prior to build 1277 I had Roon convert all tracks to DSD - I think the drop down was “convert to DSD” - the DAC displayed DSD256 for every track.

Now I can’t find the option to perform that function in “MUSE” sample rate conversion.
Was it removed? How do I do it?

I can’t tell you how frustrated I am with Roon - ARC for us is nothing but a bag of hurt, simple things like displaying which playlist a track is playing from is not displayed and now this! I don’t want to maintain this thing, I just want a toaster that works!!!

@Jeff_Gardner3, not sure what is being requested or if this is a Support issue for Roon or Mytek. What are you experiencing and what do you need?

Roon Core Machine

@Jeff_Gardner3, please open only one thread for an issue requiring support.

Moreover, please complete the support template included in your opening post, and also provided below. Be sure to include details of your core, network, storage location of your media files, and any messages displayed by Roon. Thank you.

Roon Core Machine

<!‐-Include your operating system and machine info (Model, CPU, RAM)-‐>
<!‐-Write below this line-‐>

Networking Gear & Setup Details

<!‐-Your network gear (model of routers/switches) and if on Wi-Fi/Ethernet, are you using VPN-‐>
<!‐-Write below this line-‐>

Connected Audio Devices

<!‐-Specify what devices you’re using and their connection types, like USB/HDMI/Chromecast, etc.)-‐>
<!‐-Write below this line-‐>

Number of Tracks in Library

<!‐-Tell us how large your music library is, e.g. “30,000 tracks”-‐>
<!‐-Write below this line-‐>

Description of Issue

<!-‐Tell us about the problem you’re having in as much detail as possible. Screenshots are always appreciated!-‐>
<!‐-Write below this line-‐>

Including these details in your first post helps resolve your issues faster.

I would however after attempting twice and spending a lot of time and effort the web site looses the info so it becomes blank. Using Safari 16.5.1

Hi @Jeff_Gardner3,

I took a look at your posts in the editor … it seems that either you (or your browser) had changed …

<!-- Write below this line -->


<!-- Write below this line -→ 

Which results in the proceeding text being hidden from sight :frowning:

I’ve now edited your opening post and restored it so the text is visible, I’ve encompassed the additional information you provide in your later post.

I know it can be a faff, and Roon are aware and looking for a better way to manage the creation of support post. For now all I can advise is too take care when positioning the cursor before typing so as not to edit the template.

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@support I am waiting to find out to how to natively send my DAC DSD - what is the status?

Prior to build 1277 my Myteck Manhattan II DAC would display DSD256 as I converted all non MQA tracks to DSD which with my setup provided the best sound. This includes FLAC, DSD, Mp3 - I converted everything to DSD256 which my DAC supports. Now the DAC reports PCM and I see ROON is converting to PCM even DSD tracks.

I opened a support ticket and so far am just frustrated.

I have tried various conversions but ROON will not send DSD to the DAC. How do I fix this.

Is there a method of going back 1 release.

Here is the setup - as you can see DSD to PCM is the first thing Roon does.

You are applying Headroom adjustment DSP, try turning that off and see if it then does not do the conversion.

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Thanks - turns out the problem is in Device Settings, if DSP volume control is turned on, then in “muse” sample rate conversion to DSD is not displayed. I don’t know if that’s correct, seems like a bug to me. I believe but can’t confirm this issue just appeared with the Muse release in June 2023. Thanks for the suggestion.

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