USB attached HDD

Hi @nay9275 ----- Thank you for the report and sharing this observation you have made with us! The feedback is appreciated!

Moving forward, I did a quick skim of the community site to see if anyone else has posted about using the above configuration (i.e Roon + Aries w/storage attached). Based on my search I can see that it is indeed possible so this should be able to work. I do have a few questions regarding this configuration…

  1. Since noticing this behavior have you tried testing another HDD with the Aries?

  2. Have you tried testing the mentioned HDD attached to the Aries mounted directly to your Roon core just to verify what the experience is like?

  3. Do you experience any issues with the same setup via the Lightning DS app outside of Roon?

I agree with @mikeb’s post that there is a lot of back and forth here, core pulling the content from the Aries and then serving it back out to the same endpoint, or to another endpoint. My personal recommendation would be to leave the Aries as an endpoint and mount the HDD directly to your core to avoid any additional “lifting”.
