Version incompatibility

Hi, Danny, help !

I’ve tried the Reinstall on the Webgui a couple of times, and it isnt progressing past- Version 1.0 (build 227) stable

I’ve created the branches sub folder under Data, and followed the instructions to create the roon file. But it still seems stuck? On looking at the logs file, there are some errors about incompatible branches, so, not sure what to try next??

09/24 02:17:18 Trace: [remoting/remotingserverv2] SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.InvalidVersionResponse={ ProtocolVersion=‘28’ ProtocolHash=‘555df6d48c13ca47bc296546dc90b5a922693cad’ Reason=‘IncompatibleBranch’ ServerBranch=‘production1x’ }
09/24 02:17:18 Trace: [remoting/remotingserverv2] SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status=‘Checking’ HasChangeLog=False AvailableVersion={ MachineValue=200001128 DisplayValue=‘2.0 (build 1128) production’ Branch=‘production’ } CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100801126 DisplayValue=‘1.8 (build 1126) production1x’ Branch=‘production1x’ } }

Please describe your situation and provide screenshots of what you see when you attempt to connect Roon.

227 is the latest Roon os

The current situation is, the Roon 2.0 client is installed on my windows pc, but the Rock roon server back end is stuck on 1.8, and doesnt appear to be updating. Here are the screen shots…

  1. When I open Roon on windows:
  2. It shows the versions:
  3. Then the roon pc client waits indefinitely:
  4. The webgui shows:

I think somehow things got out of sync. My steps were…

  1. On my android smartphone Roon remote, I clicked “Update All” , this appeared to update both the phone and the back end.
  2. I opened the Windows client, and it asked me to Update All. So I clicked it.
  3. The windows client wasnt connecting, so I uninstalled it. Downloaded the latest installer, and reinstalled it.
  4. Then it shows me these screenshots of the back end on 1.8 and the client on 2.0 (shown in the previous post)
  5. I search and followed these instructions (here) to try and force an upgrade to 2.0 on the back end. I’ve clicked Reinstall a couple of times, and it hasnt moved to 2.
  6. I check the logs, and notice those messages about the branches (showing in the opening post).

I’m not sure what to try next.

Do you have an iPhone or iPad? If so, you can go to the Apple App Store and install Roon Remote (Legacy) which will allow you to use your Roon core until tomorrow when Roon can sort this out.

I’m able to play music via the Legacy mobile phone app.

But I cant make DSP changes.

How far away are we, from fixing the upgrades to 2.0?

Hi @ozmillsy ,

Apologies for the delay in responding to you. I just checked your account diagnostics and I’m seeing you were able to upgrade ROCK to Roon 2.0. If you run into any further issues, please do let us know and we can take a look, thank you!

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