Volumio Roon Bridge installation

I have bought an Allo Usbridge and want to use it with Volumio/Roon/Spotify Connect.

Volumio is running, but not the Ronn plugin. The Spotify Plugin is running, the device appears in Spotify and is playing but not sound.

DietPi is ok for Roon, but not for Spotify and it is not very comfortable, so I want to use Volumio.

I have read a lot of different instructions but nothing helps.

Any up to date step by step instruction for Volumio here ?

Thanks !


I am using Roon bridge with volumio.
Just followed this instruction and had no issues installing it:

Best of luck.


vielen Dank. Ich kenne sowohl die Darko Anleitung, als auch den Thread. Ich habe es mit der Darko Anleitung versucht, aber Fehlermeldungen bekommen, Offenbar sind die Links der Befehle veraltet.

Leider komme ich mit SSH über Volumio mit dem Passwort volumio nicht rein - das Passwort sei falsch. Sonst hätte ich die weiteren Befehle versucht.

Ich habe nun das Ganze von einem anderen Netzwerkrechner aus nochmals versucht. Jetzt ging es - danke ! Nur spotify läuft noch nicht…

Is there any news with regards to when volumio’s Roon Bridge will be capable to display info on screen?

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Coming to this older discussion - did anyone make it happen to display info on the display while running Volumio with Roon Bridge plugin?

Seems like opening a browser and connecting it to Roon as a display would be a good solution.

Loaded a browser from ssh (export DISPLAY=:0) (chromium-browser -kiosk http://rooncore:9100/display/) and selected it as a display in Roon. Works great. Need to figure out how to automate it.