W10 server running

20H2 ( Windows X64 19042.867 PRO)

I tried to install the server. And it sais it’s running but i cannot open a window, settings or what ever. Even after rebooting. nothing happens.

No network. Music will be played from local disks. I dont want to use spotify, tidal or qobus

How will i connect the PC to my AV7704? Will connecting it with HDMI give me sacd support? Or must i fake a connection with airplay
You say the AV7704 is roon tested. What does it mean. I can stream stereo to it? Can i stream Atmos to it? DSD 5.1, DTS, LPCM 7.1?

The Roon Server does NOT have a user interface (the Control component in Roon’s Architecture). It only has the Core and Output components.

If you want to control Roon from this PC, then you should uninstall the Roon Server from it, and download and install the full Roon package for Windows 10.

So now i cannot run the free trial because i don’t give my creditcard to you?

Nice business model. Have a nice one

Some Reading might clear Some issues.

It’s a very common business model - hardly unique to Roon. I’ve been using Roon and this forum for eighteen months and have yet to see anyone saying money was taken by Roon after cancelling the trial.
Give it a go - you may love it.


Hey @boeiend_blabla,

Thanks for joining our Roon community - we’d love for you to have a chance to explore Roon and see if it is the music software for you.

We’d be happy to get a free trial started for you. Please, just let me know if you’re interested :slightly_smiling_face: