Waiting for the Great Leap Forward



Noooo! But I’ll grant you that it was an improvement on the Apple Lisa, with its weird floppies.

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Mac enthusiasts used to argue for the simplicity of a single-button mouse, compared to Windows. But somebody (Ted Nelson?) pointed out that the Mac mouse UI uses three buttons, but two are on the keyboard.

I only came around to Apple in the Lisa 2 days (with the single 3.5" floppy), but I loved that machine. If memory serves, we wrote FullPaint on the Lisa, before switching to native Mac development for FullWrite Pro.

On my Apple ][ (which I still have, hanging on the wall of my office), I was happy when I could add the external 5.25" floppy drive. Before that I used an external cassette deck to hold data. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My old man used to work at a place that had a Lisa. I used it to it’s full potential… I drew a truck with mac draw on it. lol

TK Solver and Visicalc are 2 of many names that always come to mind when I think of that place.

I would say the most important great step forward would be turnkey dependable operation. The fact that you have to be a computer nerd (sorry) to get a high end music server system to work will prevent it from ever achieving widespread acceptance. This will probably be solved but until it does the fact that the issue highlighted by this 3 year old thread is still an issue means that progress is slow.

when the roon technical issues thread is not hundreds of posts long we will have achieve a leap forward