Hi @Brad_Painter,
We’ve notified the accounts team to extend your trial - they’ll reach out as soon as the trial extension if confirmed. To prevent being charged in the meantime, I recommend canceling your subscription for now - we’ll reactivate it as soon as the Accounts team sees the message and extends the trial.
What we can tell from the log package is that the IP address received by RoonServer is different than the IP address logged within RoonServer, very likely a result of network address translation on the part of the university’s enterprise network.
The Remote is dropping the connection to RoonServer, despite both being on the same machine. One hypothesis is that authentication requests to Roon’s servers upstream fail due to the enterprise network at the university, severing the connection.
However, the following information will likely reveal more:
Does the Waiting for RoonServer" error screen appear when waking the machine the sleep while Roon is open in a window?
When playback is functioning, do higher-quality files trigger playback errors more? What about the source - do streaming service tracks trigger this more often than local tracks?
Lastly, try refreshing the database completely:
- Make a Backup of your current RoonServer Database
- Exit out of RoonServer
- Navigate to your RoonServer’s Database Location
- Find the folder that says “RoonServer”
- Rename the “RoonServer” folder to “RoonServer_old”
- Reinstall the RoonServer App from our Downloads Page to generate a new RoonServer folder
- On the Roon Remotes, press “Use another Roon Server” and connect to the new database
We’ll follow up from there. Thank you!