Waking up a sleeping iPad causes Roon to lose the bottom panel of the Now playing screen

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Mac mini Late 2014. OSX Yosemite 10.10.5. Roon 1.7 (build 511)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

WiFi. Netgear R6400


Description Of Issue

Waking up a sleeping iPad causes Roon to lose the bottom panel of the Now playing screen.

Before sleeping:

After waking up:

Hello @hacker19,

Can you please provide some more information regarding your iPad? What model/iOS version is it running? Do you experience this behavior on any of your other Roon Remotes or just the iPad?

2018 iPad (entry level) with the latest iOS. I haven’t seen this issue on my iPhone (which I don’t use much) or MacBook.

I also experience occasional hang upon wakeup on the iPad, which is a more serious issue - I have to kill and restart Roon to get around that.

Hello @hacker19,

Can you please let me know any reproduction steps to get into this state? It looks like you were on the Now Playing screen right before this issue occurred? Is this sequence of events correct?

  • Had Roon open on Now Playing Screen
  • Put iPad to sleep (using power button or did the screen time out?)
  • Opened the iPad back up (using power button or home button?)
  • Put in Passcode? Or did it open right back to the Roon app?
  • Then this issue occurred

Please open a separate thread regarding this behavior, in this one I would like to focus on the bottom panel issue.


  • Now Playing Screen.
  • iPad auto-locked.
  • Woke up iPad using the Home button (no passcode or Touch ID required because iPad is in Guided Access Mode).
  • Issue occurred.
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Thanks for the steps @hacker19, I have informed QA of your report and I have added your case to the review queue.

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