I just downloaded Roon and all I can say is UN-$#^$#$-BELIEVABLE! Bravo! Finally a piece of software that is written for and most importantly BY a user. OK, I’m sure I’ll have some growing pains here, but the first question is about watched folders. I’ve got the Roon core running on an iMac with OS 10.11.4. I have several music folders on external FW drives tethered to a Mac Mini and an Auralic Aries all on a common LAN, all hardwired via ethernet. Roon found everything quick and easy.
When choosing the music folders to watch I chose them as local folders, i.e. I browsed for them. Was this a mistake? Should I have told Roon they were Network folders? I’m asking because after a restart of the iMac and then Roon, Roon initially found no files and had the following message next to the watched folders: “The drive containing this media is not available, or the folder has been deleted”. Once I went to the finder and actually navigated to those folders in the finder, Roon saw them, but then rescanned them. Is that normal, or should I do it again and ID them as network drives? THANKS!!!