We should be allowed to participate in a beta program

I keep forgetting to hit the correct reply button, see my message above.

An open Beta will not help. All products I know (macOS, Affinity Photo) are released with lots of bugs. The only thing what a open beta changes is, that more bug get known before the release. In rare cases they will delay a planned Release.

I find it strange, that lots of users flood the forums with questions about when to expect updates or specific features and now say Roon has to take more time polishing? And shouldn’t people which are talking about a 1.7-debakel wait some weeks before updating? No one is forced to update.

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Well, maybe. People who were in Beta, and then told everyone they were in Beta and how things worked in Beta can pretty much count on not being in Beta anymore.
Except Darko, or anyone else in the press.

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I really hope this is not the case going forward.

Not a finished product. Basic core functionality, yes, but 1.7 to 1.8 is a different animal. Now I hate the “product” but fortunately I still love music.
Who knows what we’ll get next, maybe hotpink flowers and giant integrated smileys?

sure - being able to get a sneak preview a couple of days ahead of release is not „being in beta test“. To my knowledge nobody of the invitees to that sneak preview had to sign a NDA, either - so why should they not share their experiences? Who is invited by Roon to be a real beta tester is on their discretion anyway. It should not be based on people applying for the job, IMHO.


Now you can.

Thank you, forgot about this thread. I did receive an invite for the beta program awhile ago.

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