What happened to "Make primary version"?

This: Adding albums - bug (Roon 1.8/764/778) - Support - Roon Labs Community
There are states where the album is in your library (as assessed by Album View) but Roon doesn’t show it under “X Library Versions”. It will be listed under Qobuz versions. So you can’t make it a primary version, that option isn’t available. Under some circumstances the Version will eventually appear as a Library Version and you can make it primary.
There is also the state where you simply add a new Version to your library and it automatically becomes the primary version while the previous version isn’t primary any longer.
I can do this all day long with a couple of Lianne La Havas’ albums. I don’t understand what the fundamental problem is, but it is absolutely easy to produce and very confusing. So I can understand where this could be an issue for a user in some situations.

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