Agreed that such a risk exists but I believe it is small. There are easy ways to limit this to the point where there is little business/financial/license risk for Roon and the benefit to Roon users far outweighs the risk.
- Limit remote connections to only one simultaneous connection (delivers the feature for 95% of users)
- Limit to only one remote device - allow change of authorized remote device only once per month.
- Limit remote access to only the “owned” portion of the library - e.g. don’t ‘re-stream’ content from Tidal etc. (network inefficient anyway).
- Require a remote device to connect locally to the Roon core once a week to remain valid as a remote access device.
I have no doubt there are many more. This is a ‘solved’ problem for many other music servers, I am unclear as to why Roon would not be able to similarly address it. If it’s the re-streaming of Tidal, which is certainly a potential license issue, that’s easy enough to carve out and I believe the user community would accept this limitation if they were able to access their own library.