What is the expected behavior of Radio for All Albums?

When I choose Sidebar > Albums > Play All > Start Radio, the first 10 songs Roon plays always come from the same Artists and Albums. In my case, David Bowie, Steve Winwood, Hall & Oates, Depeche Mode. In fact, if I keep hitting Next track, Changes Bowie will be played in its entirety within about 30 tracks.

If I Focus to eliminate 80s, David Bowie’s album will not be played, but Depeche Mode is again played early and often. I suspect there’s something wrong with the Radio algorithm here.

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Yeah, I also noticed radio seems to pick 4 artists and provides tracks from there. Verry agressively doing thumbs down on several tracks sometimes adds in a new artist.

For me, when choosing a different radio starting point I do see some variation in the 4 artists, but for that session they seem to stick.

Does Radio always pick the same 4 artists for you?

I think i have seen small variations, but not widely.

Also seeing that behavior here, just tried it a few times, got The Who 8 tracks in a row. Even when Radio selects multiple artists they tend to be from a small pool consistently. I see Corrine Bailey Ray an awful lot and she doesn’t make up a huge percentage of my collection!

Likewise, typically 4 or 5 artists.


Thanks for the feedback guys – we have a couple tickets open tracking known bugs with Radio.

These are definitely annoying issues (especially IMO when songs are repeated over and over), so hopefully the fixes make it into a release soon. When we have a better sense of the timing, I’ll let you know.

Looking forward to the improvement of Radio - like others I just get 4 or 5 artists on rotation. Also discovered the same behaviour for ‘Discover’ too. I clicked on ‘Folk-Pop’ as a genre (something that should give Roon hundreds of artists to choose from in my collection) but I only got 5 artists before Roon started going back to tracks from those same artists and same albums.

Fundamentally, using Radio, I don’t want to hear the albums / tracks that I’ve just played - it defeats the object of the Radio function.
Secondly, I don’t want Radio endlessly “recirculating” the same tracks - if it’s been played once, then it should be “noted” & excluded.
The “history” should be the data-reference-point for Radio : nothing in the history should be re-played. The key - and difficult part - is deciding from when the history should be used as the reference !
Over to you… :wink:

Any update on Radio algorithm improvements ?
This is still a significant weakness / annoyance…with some complaints / comments going back as far as the initial Roon launch !

Yeah, was hoping for Pandora style radio, but we’re not there yet. I’m sure it is in the works, but agree with @rolski it has prio for me :smile: .

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.