Can we get an update on where things are relative to Roon and support of Dev AIR? A month ago or so at Munich it seemed it was imminent and some folks from Roon posted ‘be patient’ and ‘a couple of weeks’ . .then silence. I am beginning to think/worry that Devialet said “NO” and we won’t be seeing it. . .would not surprise me.
Can we get some kind of updated from Roon? Is this still going to happen? I am holding off some hw purchases based on how this turns out.
Bear in mind that the Munich ‘announcement’ appeared to be a slip up, and as such I would hope that the delay is nothing more than Roon’s educated guess on timing (which they probably didn’t want to give) being a little on the short side.
I’d imagine an announcement would have been made if it wasn’t going to happen.
Reminds me of the “slip up” that Auralic had a with MQA. . They announced it a show (Vegas I think) and had photos of it working, etc. with a pure software decode on the Aries. Then the MQA people stepped in and slapped them down and. . .no more MQA software decode on the Aries. . .