What is your usage of the History tab of Roon?

  • Umm, what History tab?
  • I rarely use the History tab, don’t see its purpose
  • I use it a lot to recap my play history for the last week
  • I use it frequently to find my favorites from Last Christmas (see what i did there?)
0 voters

Feel free to voice your dissatisfaction with my alternatives! Or different usage scenario!

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I can’t vote because the options are incomplete. I know what it is, I DO see its purpose though nevertheless I use it rarely, but when I need to use it I am glad that it’s there


I clear the history from time to time to minimize the size of the Roon database.
Pool doesn’t have this option. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Excellent, i didn’t know this was even doable… But going “near the the edge” made me see clearly. Thanks!

I rarely use the History tab, because I can’t slice and dice it with Focus - a long list containing 6 years of listening history is somewhat difficult to deal with.


I occasionally use it to look up a track I’ve forgotten. The other use case is moving listens to the correct profile so I’m not inundated with the kids’ music…but it reliably freezes doing this, which makes it a little time consuming…I’ve never quite had the energy to raise it as a support issue.


I didn’t know it existed and I just looked at it for the first time. The way I listen, it isn’t useful to see my history on a track by track basis.

What I do find useful is the Recent Activity / Played tab on the Home screen, which also relates to play history but is album oriented in presentation. My listening is primarily classical music. What I often do is play something in an album, such as a single symphony, then later go back to play something else in the same album. Recent Activity lets me quickly find and go back to an album that I had played recently.

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Well, missing part of this poll: are users aware how Roon uses the History file.

  1. Roon is using the History file, to keep an overview of all your plays.
    I.e. if you clean (part of) your history, tracks/albums will not show as being played (or the exact number of being played)
  2. probably less important;, but Roon uses History to keep track of your Weekly/Daily playing time in the Home Page. Cleaning (part of) your history will substract the corresponding playing time.

Personally , I don’t really use the History tab directly, but I do use it indirectly by keeping track of album plays.



Love to see what I played during a vacation from the past, etc. but my most frequent use: I use it to scan for songs that I wasn’t familiar with that came up in shuffle play while I wasn’t in a position to use the software.


I use History to figure out what time I crapped out on the couch last night, and what played while I was asleep there.

“Yeah, I remember hearing that one…”


Ditto on “what was that?”

Curious as to why the “recently played” in the Now Playing view doesn’t meet that need?
That i use quite frequently, but History is kinda “unmanageable” to use…

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It would also but remember history more hence it’s use.

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Because if I am playing a shared playlist, it only shows the playlist as an entry, and not the song(s) that were played.

Peculiar? I don’t see that behaviour. I suppose you refer to “shared” as “on streaming services”?

I suppose there’s a correlation between the current zones queue and the collected history view though.

Anyways, i’d love to see History made useful by allowing Focus or perhaps a way to create playlists or views of genres listened to during a certain time span etc.
Last.FM does o good job of explaining possibilities, and ease of use (imo)

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I create my playlists using Synology Audio Station on my NAS (I don’t use streaming services) - they work nicely there and with Synology DS Audio, and Roon imports them automatically during any library scan, so they work pretty much identically on both platforms.

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I use it to find things that I have listened to but can’t quite remember the title, name etc. I also use, but not very efficiently, to store things I note eg in new releases but haven’t got time to listen. An alternative is to tag as added to library and then sort by date added. What would be really helpful is a facility to tag as “listen later” like Pocket for articles and web links. Ideally, invoke it from the browse function eg new releases.


I’m sorry, I can’t find that option in settings. How can I clear “history?”

Make a selection, then click Edit (top right) to bring up the History Editor…


Thank you, Geoff.