What's coming in Roon OS 2.0 (not Roon 2.0, but Roon OS 2.0)?

I see you have “more machine/os stats on web ui” in your “on the table” list, and I see a number of replies favoring that. Maybe I can riff on that a bit. I think its one of the most important things roon could do.
I assume we are talking primarily about Roon OS on NUC, or possibly other linux based cores, which hugely simplifies things, making this capability more of a packaging of existing ultilities. For the roon application and heterogeneous machines, some sort of more application oriented snapshot would still be a very useful thing to have, esp for tech support, but its outside the scope of this reply.

web UI or app: you say web UI, and that keeps the clutter away from the roon app.

  1. An initial implementation could be a simple canned snapshot of the system. give the user (and your technical support) a consistent snapshot. Possible contents would be system description (processor type, SSD size and brand, memory size, system description, etd), then processor load, memory usage, network stats, network stack errors, disk usage and load, processor temperature, fan speed, error messages from system logs. etc. utilities for all this are integral to *nix, so there is no complex development. I don’t know about licensing, but I suspect if the scope is limited to NUC, there are intel diagnostics that might be useful. The tools to do this already exist: uptime, dmesg etc. Can’t think of a bigger band for the buck…
  2. the snapshot could be downloadable so users could attach it in requests to technical support. A lot of organizations require something like this with good reason
  3. in addition to informing discussions with support, knowledgeable users could learn what is “normal” for their operation. way back when I did unix sysadmin, one of my first checks on a troubled machine was a few iterations of “uptime” to see how the load was doing. great for realizing you have a runaway process. then “top” to find the bad boy and eliminate it. If I had system stats from the web UI, I’d know what my system should look like under various normal conditions and more easily spot and isolate issues.
  4. more advanced versions could allow drill-down.

Hope some form of this comes to pass…