What's coming in Roon OS 2.0 (not Roon 2.0, but Roon OS 2.0)?

I know a bunch of folks (@Chris_Camphuisen @ipeverywhere @ogdens_sliced) have already asked for it and discussed it above, but I’m new to the whole rsync thing. Because of my particular situation - NAS in Home A, Rocks in Home A and Home B, OpenVPN site-to-site between Home A and Home B, using rsync to mirror full music directory from NAS master to USB-connected storage on ROCKs in both Home A and Home B. Having a mounted deep-linked directory from Home A ROCK on NAS in Home A is fine. But when I’m rsyncing across a tunnel, I’ll take every bit of efficiency and stability I can get, and having a mounted deep-linked directory from Home B ROCK USB storage on NAS in Home A always seems a bit fragile and possibly inefficient.

Here’s the feature request I could find… I’m the only vote currently!