Whats happened to Roon Radio now?

Agree on all points @Shawn_H_CO . We love Pandora via HEOS, but Roon Radio works fine on my “smallish” (by Roon Comm. standards) local collection with no streaming services. If I play an 80s movie soundtrack, Roon Radio then seems to pick other 80s movies soundtracks and 80s-adjacent music, so presumably it’s keying on genre and/or chronological similarities. It does pretty well when the seed is Classical or Baroque or Guitar as well. YMMV, clearly!

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I’ve only been using roon for a few days now. I tried roon radio and thought it would be good to discover similar music. But after a couple of songs, it made a dramatic shift in music. I don’t remember what I was listening to, but it would be like going from Mozart to Snoop Dogg. Lol

I wasn’t overly impressed in how it worked.


Not to beat a dead horse any further, but some of my similar experiences are covered in this thread:

I know @nathan has some ideas on how to improve it; hopefully he’ll have some time soon.

Well ‘Mozart to Snoop Dogg’ means broken, not ‘in need of improvement’.


I was thinking it may relate or depend on the genre being listened to or your historic listening habits, I am the only one who uses Roon here and radio is generally very good, it picks up a new artist I save at least once a week and I can understand the other recommendations and why it recommended them even if I don’t like them.

Roon Radio consistently plays opera music even after I consistently Thumbs Down the tracks with “I don’t like this track”. This has been going on for years. It’s like my previous entries are being ignored. I also have experienced previous users complaints regarding the same songs being played after specific albums. This usually happens with recordings by “lesser known” artists or new releases, it seems. It would be a nice feature to be able to eliminate specific genre tagged music from Roon Radio (like Opera). It would also be great if we could see all of our Thumbs Up selections in one place, like Pandora.


The Radio thumbs go into a big statistical cloud pool, they aren’t per-user. Personally I don’t see how this can work satisfyingly for genres, artists, or tracks one strongly dislikes.


Wow, that actually explains a lot. I’m not sure I’m ever going to be happy with everyone voting to tell me what I like.


Yes I don’t understand that at all.
I don’t actually use the rating ever, I generally listen to radio for one or two tracks after a queue of albums end, I don’t use playlists.
These two tracks are usually a very good match.


The new Andre 3000 ambient solo album is a real problem case. No matter what, it’s always followed up on radio by some hip hop, which is absolutely NOT the vibe being created. Tried removing any genre tags to do with hip hop/pop/rock etc. Didn’t make a budge on playing rap on. Radio, so I’m guessing genres are baked in at home base.


Which leads into which source of genre metadata? That’s a pretty blunt tool to ever work properly.

Roon Radio is still broken. I use Roon Radio every day. My main genres are, classic rock, rock, southern rock, blues and metal. Every day, Roon Radio throws in Michael Jackson songs. Today Roon Radio was assigned the task to follow Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Born In The USA’. Today, Roon Radio threw in two Michael Jackson songs within two hours :man_facepalming: Overall, Roon Radio does a fantastic job, but I do wish a thumbs-down or skip from me tailored my personal Roon.

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Hello. Agree. Still Roon Radio issues. On my “Country Pop” Roon Radio, I’ve now heard “Island In the Stream” by Dolly Parton the same version twice in 14 songs. A good song. However, certainly we can do better to avoid this prompt repetition. Thanks. Barry


This is Roon Radio right now. Are you kidding?