Whats happened to Roon Radio now?

I wonder if over time where people have let the radio play or like myself turned the amp off but accidentally left Roon playing if the AI is picking that up and getting itself into a feedback loop.

I see it’s got really bad. I played a Yes album the other day and the next song was Toto Africa. For gods sake

In some use cases Roon Radio sessions only end when you choose play, play from here or play now options. If one had previously started a session after one artist that may be punk and then you decide to add an album to the queue from a completely different genre such as jazz the Radio session that was running is still active and will pick up again from where it left off at the end of what you added to the queue it doesn’t reset to start a seed from the last track played. So you will get Punk after Jazz. Only ending the session properly or hitting a play option will clear reset it to pick up a new seed. I do wonder if some of the complaints are because of this.

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You think the right hand is talking to the left always? I’ve seen recommendation systems where the incoming features / events have no indication where the ‘input’ was sourced from (for example, was it something a user actually played or an autoplay from the existing recommendation system?)
There’s a bunch of this going on in the ML and “AI” (god I hate that term) space and it’s kind of funny to me, bit of an oversight. Obviously, not everyone is making this mistake and it can be relatively trivial to work around once you realize the problem.

Today, Pink Floyd, ‘careful with that axe’, Live, followed by Tracey Chapman, Mountains O’ things


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Roon playlist : “Careful with that axe before you chop mountains of things”. :metal:


Just swinging by to say just how good Roon Radio has recently become on classical music. It still dives a bit too far off piste, particularly with rock/folk/country crossover stuff, but its recommendations have introduced us to some fabulous new classical stuff, from modern and ancient composers, that we’d simply no clue about.

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I wish that were my experience. Had classical guitar playing the other night and Roon radio inserted an a cappella version of Bare Necessities (Jungle Book). Also not fond of the random opera inserted into the playlist.

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Hello, Sorry to jump on the band wagon. However, Roon Radio remains broken. Today on my iMac, I started a station of Herp Albert & The Tijuana Brass. The next song was Cheryl Crow’s There Goes the Neighborhood and Space Cossacks’ Band Sand. I stopped Roon Radio and started over again with Herp Albert & The Tijuana Brass. The next songs were: Tequila (good), Then Charli xcs With Roses and George Michael Freedom. I have reported Roon Radio issues about 5-times in the last 3+ years. I’ve also submitted extensive Feedback suggestions for Roon Radio. One day it will be much better. Until then, back to Amazon Music Stations or Apple Music Stations!!

@nathan looked like he might be close to starting on some Roon Radio related improvements a few months back.

Not sure if any stories are being actively worked upon or if they have fallen down the backlog. Any update you are able to give us Nathan?

It’s in the pipe - some internal technical debt came due on some back end systems and so I’ve been dragged away. That said, it’s all feeding in to a cycle of improvement on recommendations systems.

Getting the holiday backlog taken care of but barring unseen priority this is the next thing in the hopper.


Been playing some war on drugs recently. Not exactly the last word in sophistication, I believe my mate refered to them as sort of Coldplay, which I found harsh.

Anyway following it, all I get is really wet, Female voice led music, not reflective at all of war on drugs, not related in anyway.

Including but not limited to ‘Little May’, ‘Pomme’, ‘Lucy Rose’, ‘Milo Greene’, ‘Cloves’

On an on, female miserable track after track. War on Drugs is generally uplifting, rock, guitar led music.

I think that it’s important to set expectations here. All that @nathan is saying is that we intend to take a look – fairly soon if we can – at the current Roon Radio implementation with a view to making some incremental improvements. As usual, we cannot promise any timescale for this work and other priorities always have a knack of getting in the way of planned work.

Note that, at the moment, a fundamental re-write of Roon Radio is not on the cards. Further, we may determine that we don’t have the metadata necessary – at present – for the improvements that we would like to make.

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