Whats Rocking You This Month? [2022-02]

I just went looking for Daily Mix you mentioned thinking I was missing out…I am. Sadly not available for local library only users. I think that is short sighted. @danny mentions libraries not being large enough. I think I could run two or three different types of radio stations back in the day when FM was king with my stuff. I get the whole driving you to NEW music…but don’t see why we can’t have both. Old friends and new suggestions. Boom! put me on the roadmap team.

I know it is not a huge library by some standards, but I’m adding 10-20 ripped CDs a month. They are so cheap these days…and with Swap a CD and Music Boomerang they are almost free…yes I’ve got them spilling all over the place so storage is an issue. Point being I can’t listen to all my music nor do I know it all, yet. Veering off my original point that RR from time to time reacquaints me with long forgotten friends on shiny silver discs ripped then left cold and lonely in my basement. Maybe the heat form the NAS keeps them warm.