What's Rocking You Tonight? [2021-03]

In all seriousness, that Tool album is to my ears their best work ever.

Might have to spin it tonight!

Thank you for the reminder!:+1::yum:

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Last song for me for the night, much lighter than their growling Death Metal albums, even though I really like those as well.

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Enjoy it, as not enjoying it seems beyond me

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But first some later Purple, it’s not as bad as some people make it out to be IMHO.


Something a little different…


I owned this CD when I was much younger, my glory years :rofl: My favorite song was Ramshackle Man!

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Following with more Hagar. I know I cant do 55


Oh man, I was going to go to the HMH at Port Vale, but through circumstances beyond my control I could not go.

After that Triumph never made it to continental Europe, Randy Rhoads died, so did Guy Speranza from Riot and Vardis also never made it again to the European mainland. Happily I got to see Motorhead with Animal and Eddy Clark 3 or 4 times and met Eddy and Lemmy in Germany.

Going to the HMH festival would have been the last chance to see all those bands with the lineup I preferred. Missing it still bums me out to this day.

A good friend bought the patch of the festival for me. I still Have it!

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That was one of the best outdoor shows I ever saw.
Perfect English weather which is rare itself.:grin:
Sure crowd was a little loopy, stealing and throwing juice bottles all night…:rofl:

And when Ozzy came on they blew the breakers due to the humongous amp barrage they had but what a show!

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Man! I wish I could have been there.

I’d love to have seen Riot live.


Introducing a friend to some classic 80s Metal


And some more


Possibly their greatest album.

Although it might be a close call with Dream Evil, more commercial but my favorite song is All The Fools Sailed Away.

Another band that were outstanding live!
Ronnie never stopped or slowed down at all during the show and the special effects were literally out of this world!

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It’s pretty darned good, and I came to it very late again after completely forgetting about it.

Trying to get him to enjoy this now, but he is not biting.



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