When shuffling Roon halts when it encounters a Tidal track

Hey @Stuart_Dudman,

Thanks for sharing that! It appears as though the slowness with the tags you’re experiencing may be related to a similar report that we are currently investigating.

First, I’d like to gather some additional information about the tags that you are using and exactly what you are seeing.

  • You mention that this behavior occurs with the JS tag and the TIDAL tag. Are there any others? How many tags do you have total? Do they all exhibit this behavior?
  • Do albums frequently have multiple tags (i.e. TIDAL and JS)?
  • Are you selecting the tags more frequently from the Albums browser or Track browser? Is there any difference and behavior between the two?
  • Can you give me some details about your library? How many albums and tracks total? Where is the library stored?
  • Do these tags eventually load after some time? If so, how long? Or do they just endlessly load?

Next, so we can do some further investigation, would you be able to send us a copy of your database in a shared Dropbox link? You can send this to me directly in a private message.
