When Will ASUS NUCs Be Supported for ROCK?

Intel is out of the NUC business, and although there had been hints (years ago) as to new approved NUCs, I have seen nothing. The baby Nucleus is not enough for my 100k+ library.

Any insights?


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Thank you, but this does not address the issue of whether there is support for these units. Roon has never updated their supported components list. I am trying to get a friend into Roon and the lack of any updated support is awful.

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Use Windows instead and is supported on any hardware. Or Linux, especially the DietPi for PC version as that has a menu to install the Linux RoonServer (which is the same in ROCK or the Nucleus).


Dan, I appreciate the reply. I am not a computer nerd by any stretch. I built my rock using step-by-step instructions from Roon. My friend now wants to use Roon. I’m happy to help But simply do not have the knowledge on how to use Linux or windows. I am a Mac person. I was hoping that Roon would make good on its commitment to update its recommended components list. It has not done that, and I feel that the whole hardware side of this is in limbo.


I agree, please give us an update of the supported models on this page:

“Any hardware configurations other than the above are unsupported.
Although they may work now, they may also stop working at any time due to updates.”

So please add support for currently available Mini PCs.


Aaaaaand NOTHING from Roon. Cmon guys.


If you want to use Roon Optimized Core Kit (ROCK), you could buy one of the supported NUCs, see the list on link above.
While most models are discontinued, some of the latest NUC13 models can still be found for sale. At least for me in Europe they are still for sale.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Can Raspberry a Pi be used as a Roon Server

Have you considered a Mac (mini) for your friend? Bit more expensive but stable and easy to set-up.
I do agree with you on the lack of updates of the NUC list.

He is opposed to Mac’s.

I am helping a friend get into Roon and I have noticed the same thing.

Despite several requests, nobody from the company has said anything about approving any of the new NUCs. It’s been years since Asus Took over from Intel.

If I’m cynical, I would guess that the company is trying to get you to purchase their Nucleus machines. Unfortunately, there’s nothing in the middle for people with moderately large libraries who don’t have thousands to spend. My Roon experience has been great, but this is really starting to bug me.

[Moderator Comment: This was merged into the existing feedback topic.]

"July 2023

In July 2023, Intel announced that it would no longer develop NUC mainboards and matching mini PCs."

@Peter_Rustin - I’ve moved your post into the Feedback category so that a) it won’t be cluttering up the origin thread and b) because it’s feedback that Roon Labs needs to hear.

I agree with you that the fact that ASUS took over the NUC business back in mid 2023, and that we are still waiting to see their models appear on the supported list is depressing. It’s been pointed out to Roon Labs before. We wait in anticipation…

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After Danny wrote this in July 2023, and the ROCK support list becoming stale now, I do think that there should be some info forthcoming 1.5 years later:

and in August 2023 confirming that he did mean ROCK: